Casein vs Whey Protein

Casein vs Whey Protein

Here at SIXSTAR®, we often receive the question of which is the “better” protein. Quite simply, they’re just different, and each is beneficial in its own way. Let’s start with some background on each.

Here at SIXSTAR™, we often receive the question of which is the “better” protein. Quite simply, they’re just different, and each is beneficial in its own way. Let’s start with some background on each.

 Whey is the most common form of protein and is often taken immediately after a workout because it’s a fast-acting protein. Essentially, this means it helps repair your muscles relatively quickly. It’s best to supply your muscles with the key amino acids contained within whey protein shortly after the muscle fibers have been broken down during intense training in order to rebuild and grow larger. Casein, on the other hand, is a slower-acting protein. Rather than acting in 20 to 40 minutes, like whey, casein performance peaks in 3 to 4 hours and keeps amino acid levels elevated in the blood stream for up to 8 hours. Although casein is not as fast-acting as whey, it acts over a longer period of time, providing a sustained release of key muscle building amino acids that are crucial to the growth and recovery process.



There is no need to pick just one, as both have unique benefits. In other words, one can reap the benefits of both, as they should be taken at different times. As mentioned, whey is typically taken after a workout, which is what we recommend for our 100% Whey Protein Plus, to play to its strength of being a fast-acting protein. As for casein protein, we recommend consuming in-between meals or right before bed, so your body can continue to build muscle, recover and promote amino acids for a sustained period of time. This means that pairing Whey Protein and Casein Protein is a fantastic way to keep your protein levels topped all day long, ensuring that you are maximizing your muscle building and recovery potential.

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