What’s up everyone? Welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman.
Today I want to talk about evaluating your performance.
Let’s start by thinking about your last bad performance. How did you evaluate yourself after? Did you absolutely dissect what went wrong? What happened? Why did I perform poorly? Where was I at mentally? What did I do wrong in my preparation?
Now think about a good performance. How did you evaluate yourself after that?
Did you even evaluate yourself after that?
It’s so easy to chalk up a good performance as a win and not think twice about it.
The problem is by doing that we’re missing out on crucial information about building awareness and knowing ourselves.
It’s natural to examine why we fail, but we often forget to examine why we succeed.
My challenge for you is to ask the same post-performance questions regardless of how you perform — If you perform well, what happened? Why did you perform well? Where was I at mentally? And what did I do right in my preparation?
It’s important to know what created a poor performance, but it’s also important to know what created a good one.