What’s up everyone? Welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman.
Today I want to talk about having fun!
So, having fun is lighthearted enjoyment. It doesn’t necessarily mean being silly. That can be seen as disrespectful, lack of effort, or even distracting to yourself or to others. Whereas fun is loose, but contained, professional and appropriate.
So why is having fun, or enjoying the workplace or the workout help? Well, it helps to loosen you up, mix up repetitiveness, helps you handle adversity and bounce back from failure faster. It can help you build better relationships and even create a healthy learning environment.
We grow more when we’re having fun and then we create this cylindrical process. We have fun, which creates more motivation, which creates more success, which then we have more fun!
I always ask – what comes first, success or having fun? You could probably argue both, but one in more of your control than the other. And that’s having fun!