By Will Romero
In our last issue of the Fighter Fit Training Series, we covered the strength portion. This month we will go over some exercises to help with speed and explosiveness. Having speed and explosiveness as a fighter is crucial for reaction time and will allow you to effectively execute techniques with power and precision. These types of exercises will also help to give you that explosive, athletic-looking physique that many top athletes have.
- Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart at an arm’s length distance from the box.
- Use your arms to provide momentum by swinging them back as you drop quickly into a quarter squat, then fully extend by exploding your hips and throwing your arms up towards the sky while pushing your feet through the floor to propel yourself onto the box.
- You want to land softly in a squat position, then fully extend your body to an erect standing position. Then safely step down one foot at a time and repeat for 6 to 8 reps.

- Start with a large tractor tire lying on the floor. Using a 10- to 15-lbs. sledgehammer, get into a feet shoulder-width apart position with either foot forward.
- Swing the hammer at the tire like you’re chopping wood with an axe. Perform 10 to 15 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

- With a barbell in front of you, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart over the bar. Your toes should be pointing forward with shoulders over and slightly passed the bar. Your shins should almost be touching the barbell.
- Squat down and grip the bar with a wide grip while keeping your back and arms straight, and your chest pointing up. Make sure you have an overhand grip.
- Deadlift the bar upwards by extending your hips and knees. Your back should remain the same as you lift the weight.
- As the bar reaches knee height, explode by extending your hips, knees and ankles in a fully erect position to move the bar upwards in a straight line as fast as possible. Execute this while curling in your wrists towards your body.
- Pull the bar up to your chest with your elbows up and shrug your shoulders by allowing your elbows to flex out to the side.
- Now lift the weight overhead and fully extend your arms in a locked out position, landing in a half squat. Then extend your knees to stand up straight with the weight overhead.
- Lower weight back down to starting position.
- Repeat for 6 to 8 reps.

- With a barbell in front of you, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart over the bar. Your toes should be pointing forward with shoulders over and slightly passed the bar. Your shins should almost be touching the barbell.
- Squat down and grip the bar with a wide grip while keeping your back and arms straight, and your chest pointing up. Make sure you have an overhand grip.
- Deadlift the bar upwards by extending your hips and knees. Your back should remain the same as you lift the weight.
- As the bar reaches knee height, explode by extending your hips, knees and ankles in a fully erect position to move the bar upwards in a straight line as fast as possible. Execute this while curling in your wrists towards your body.
- Pull the bar up to your chest with your elbows up and shrug your shoulders by allowing your elbows to flex out to the side.
- Now lift the weight overhead and fully extend your arms in a locked out position, landing in a half squat. Then extend your knees to stand up straight with the weight overhead.
- Lower weight back down to starting position.
- Repeat for 6 to 8 reps.

- Start with a barbell at the front squat rack position with grip and feet shoulder-width apart.
- Slightly flex the hips and knees while keeping your back straight.
- Now push the weight overhead by fully extending your entire body.
- Repeat for 8 to 10 reps.

- Stand with the wall to your side, with your legs in a lunge position and at an arm’s length distance from the wall. The leg closest to the wall should be the front leg of the lunge position.
- Hold a medicine ball with both hands at the hip of the opposite side from the wall.
- Rotate your entire body as you release the ball from hip level towards the wall. As you rotate your body, shift your weight into the leg closest to the wall. Catch the ball as it bounces back towards you while allowing it to cross your body’s midline, then repeat without letting your body’s position be disrupted or dropping the ball.
- Repeat for 12 to 15 reps, then switch sides.