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Today I want to talk about burning out --- because it’s real, it’s prevalent and it happens to a lot of people.
Six Star Pro Staff
Six Star Pro Staff

What’s up everyone and welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman.

Today I want to talk about burning out — because it’s real, it’s prevalent and it happens to a lot of people.

Fact of the matter is that you cannot do something for 24/7 constantly – whether it’s spending time with a significant other, a job, or even working out.

The grind doesn’t stop, but we have to be careful with that as well. So, work hard. Set those high expectations for yourself. But make sure that you’re giving yourself a chance to reset.

Because if you’re doing anything 24/7, that flame is going to eventually fizzle out.

Make sure that on days you’re going hard, that you go hard. But on days you don’t need to, you’re able to step away from things. Fill your mind with something else. Make yourself miss whatever it is you’re trying to go do.

Give yourself the opportunity to step away and come back. It will help you more than you think it will hurt you.

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