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Today I want to talk about intentions. Our intentions are incredibly important because they affect our effort and our attention --- which then directly impacts our performance.
Six Star Pro Staff
Six Star Pro Staff

What’s up everyone? Welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman.

Today I want to talk about intentions. Our intentions are incredibly important because they affect our effort and our attention — which then directly impacts our performance.

You know the feeling you get when you see something you really want, like a car? Then all of the sudden, you start to notice cars everywhere. The same thing that happens in life also happens with sport and performance. If we are primed by intentional focus to look for something, you’re more likely to see it and in greater detail.

So, what does that mean for us?

If you set your intentions on something, your attention follows. If you have bad, negative or hurtful intentions, your attention will find all of the bad. If you had good, positive and helpful intentions, you’ll find all of the good around you.

There’s plenty of good and there’s plenty of bad. What you eventually search for, you’re going to find.

The good news is that you have control over what you concentrate on and what intentions you set. So, what are your intentions?

Choose wisely because your attention is eagerly awaiting for your decision.

What we don’t want you to fear is making a mistake, challenging yourself and being embarrassed. If you truly know it’s going to make you better, who cares what everyone else thinks!?!?

Failure can be an incredibly powerful tool if you let it, so we need to stop fearing failure and start embracing it.

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