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Often times we’re told to “just be positive.” But the problem with being too positive is that we can overlook what is actually happening. For the most part avoidance isn’t the answer.
Six Star Pro Staff
Six Star Pro Staff

What’s up everybody and welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman!

Today let’s talk about the term “objective optimism.”

Often times we’re told to “just be positive.” But the problem with being too positive is that we can overlook what is actually happening. For the most part avoidance isn’t the answer.

At the same time, we often hear “don’t be so negative” and we know that because … well … there’s not a lot of benefit to being overly negative.

So, if we aren’t supposed to be overly positive (because we aren’t being true) and we aren’t supposed to be super negative, where does that lead us?

Objective optimism.

Objective, meaning that you’re fully aware of the things going on around you no matter how good or bad. Even if you don’t like it. You’re aware of it.

And then the optimistic part, which you should think of like a little cherry on top.

So, you aren’t pretending like everything’s fine, but you are able to see what is really going on and still choosing to see the good.

If you want to have a level head on your shoulders, try practicing “objective optimism.”

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