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Today let’s talk about shifting the perspective of how you view failure. Typically, we don’t want to fail. We don’t want to be embarrassed. We don’t want to look inept. We don’t want to let those around us down.
Six Star Pro Staff
Six Star Pro Staff

What’s up everyone? Welcome back to Mental Sweat Monday, I’m Hannah Huesman.

Today I want to talk about something that some of us have become immune to. It’s the idea that because we feel a certain way, we have to act a certain way.

For example:

I feel mad = I punch a wall.
I feel tired = I skip a workout.
I feel a lack of confidence = I don’t perform well.

The reality is, YOU have the power to control your response to what you’re feeling.

Just because you’re mad doesn’t have to mean you punch a wall.

Just because you’re tired doesn’t mean you have to skip a workout.

Just because you don’t feel confident, doesn’t mean you’re not going to perform well.

It’s up to us to become aware of how we are feeling and then decide how to control that response. Here’s how you do that.

1: Become aware of the feeling you are experiencing

2: Ask yourself ‘Why are you feeling that way?’

3: Give yourself some time to think about how you would respond

4: Respond

By following those four steps, you’ll be sure not to react automatically to a feeling, but rather, responding wisely to a thought.

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